Redefining Welsh Jewellery since 1998
Sustainable, recycled and ethical jewellery made in the UK.
Free delivery on orders over £160
MT Black Silver Pendants
MT Black Silver Rings
MT Bracelets
MT Bracelets and bangles
MT Brooches and Pins
MT Christmas Gift Sets
MT Christmas Stocking Fillers
MT Circular Pendants
MT Contemporary Celtic Jewellery
MT Contemporary Welsh Silver Earrings
MT Cufflinks
MT Cynllunydd Gemwaith Cymreig
MT Diamond Jewellery
MT Diamond necklaces and pendants
MT Earrings
MT Eco Friendly Recycled jewellery
MT Elegant and Timeless Pearls
MT Ethical handcrafted Jewellery
MT For her
MT Gallery Artist - Bea Jarano
MT Gallery Artist - Beatrice Mayfield
MT Gallery Artist - Brian Eburah
MT Gallery Artist - Charlotte Rowenna
MT Gallery Artist - Charmian Ottaway
MT Gallery Artist - Chris Boland
MT Gallery Artist - Claire Staveley
MT Gallery Artist - Corgi Cashmere (products available online soon!)
MT Gallery Artist - D E Jewellery
MT Gallery Artist - Emily Thatcher
MT Gallery Artist - Hanna Tommola
MT Gallery Artist - Jodie Hook
MT Gallery Artist - Karen Williams
MT Gallery Artist - Kate Wimbush
MT Gallery Artist - Katherine Cambell Legg (products available online soon!)
MT Gallery Artist - Katy Tromans (products available online soon!)
MT Gallery Artist - Kokkino
MT Gallery Artist - Natalie Vardey
MT Gallery Artist - Sabine Roth
MT Gallery Artist - Suzie Horan
MT Gallery Artist - Tammy Child
MT Gallery Artist - Timon Tio
MT Gallery Artist - Yelland and Barker
MT Gallery Artist - Yuki Mitsuyasu
MT Gallery Artists - Michelle Griffiths (products available online soon!)
MT Gallery Artists - Polished Grey
MT Gemwaith Cymraeg
MT Gemwaith Cymreig
MT Gemwaith i Ddynion
and receive 10% off your first order