Artists Focus

Artists Focus

The creative arts are an incredibly essential element of our existence. Without them, how would our lives look, how would we pass our time, our days? To create is an inherent part of what it means to be human. To imagine what has yet to be imagined, and to then realise those imaginings is a pursuit each of us would recognise as being worthy. We are always seeking beauty, something new, something to admire, to observe, to listen to or to adorn ourselves with. It can make our days fulfilling, joyful, and can be shared with others in our lives, offering a wonderful opportunity for shared experiences and discoveries.

Yet, with all this understanding of the joy that can be gained and shared in the discovery and appreciation of others' creations, the subtleties of the creative arts are constantly at risk of being diminished and eroded by big business and bean counters who look purely at mass production, and profit and loss. So how do we keep a physical space for the creative arts so that we can keep finding beauty in our everyday existence? We all understand the importance and the value of an online presence, but it’s so good to be able to see the pieces close up, appreciating the craftsmanship and the beauty of the materials. You get the true essence of the love and skill involved in their birth.

We are finding that there are fewer and fewer spaces for artists and creators to display their work in a physical environment. The costs for an individual artist can be crippling if they are still in the infancy of their business, or if they only ever intend to keep their businesses on smaller platforms. It can also be difficult if they have no particular fixed location, or want to reach out to different spheres, to different markets. This is why Mari loves supporting creators who might not have a physical location to display their work, or for those who want to expand their reach. Mari is drawn to those whose work resonates with her creative heart, her ethos and her aesthetic. Creators who have that special something that calls to her, creators whose work sparks that inexplicable frisson.
In her gallery in Llandeilo you will find her artists’ room where the work of over 20 other artists is on display. You will find not only jewellery, but also textiles and decorative items for display. The space is rich with beauty, and harmonises with Mari’s own work which is on display in the primary gallery space.

It is with this in mind that Mari has decided to turn the spotlight on the artists by giving each of them some focus time for you to better understand what they are about. We would like you to know their influences and their missions as well as their origins as creators. We find that their work can be all the more deeply appreciated when you know the story behind their work. You will be able to read a little more about each of them as the months go by, and we hope to have some of them visit us in the gallery or create videos so that they can better explain their inspirations. 

We hope you enjoy these insightful vignettes into our creative world. We are really privileged to be able to make such beautiful works available to you, and want you to appreciate them in the same way we do.

Keep your eyes peeled for the first chapter in our catalogue of artists which will land in the next few days, and then keep watch for all the chapters to follow. We are excited to share all we can with you, and hope you come to see their work in our gallery or check out their stunning pieces online.

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